十大菠菜台子每年欢迎1000多名转校生,而且这个数字还在增长. 我们欢迎来自社区学院和四年制学校的转学生, as well as military veterans, international students, 以及通过AP课程获得大学学分的高中毕业生, 国际 Baccalaureate (IB) programs, or the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP).
- 24 or more college credits: GPA of at least 2.5人将被十大菠菜台子录取. 公开大学也会考虑最近成绩的积极趋势.
- fewer than 24 college credits: Admission will be based on both college and high school records; you must submit both college and high school transcripts.
本科 Admissions
North Foundation Hall, Room 101
318 草地 Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
Electronic transcripts may be sent to [e邮件 protected] (现任公开大学学生应将其成绩单发送到注册办公室,地址为 [e邮件 protected]). 成绩单必须加盖学校印章,不得加盖“发给学生”的印章.如果你上过不止一所大学,必须提供每所大学的成绩单.
接受中断正规教育三年以上的个人, 通常不符合其他入学标准的学生, may be considered based on one or more of the following: sustained employment record; recommendations from employers, educators or other professionals; and standardized test results. 这些申请人需要与十大菠菜台子招生顾问进行面试才能被考虑录取.